Thursday, February 18, 2010

Chemo 1

Well, it has been a few days. Not because I ran out of things to say, but because God and I have been battling fever all week. I had forgotten how weak that makes one. But much better today so I thought I would catch you guys up.

Seven days after my diagnosis I had my first Chemo treatment. This may have set a record for rapid treatment initiation. It pays to know the right people at times like this. I was, mentally and spiritually ready for my first "battle". I did everything I was instructed to (now no comments from the peanut gallery here). You see I am not exactly good at taking instructions. This however was different. I woke up, prayed and asked God to be with me as we set about curing this cancer thing.

My chemo is given at the hospital, but in a very nice infusion center. The nurses there are phenomenal and they will do anything to make this process as comfortable as possible. The most wonderful invention I have seen so far is my IV port. This is a little device they implant just under the skin that gives them direct access for IV's. No sticking, yeah!!!!! They have wonderfully comfortable recliner chairs, each with a t.v. and best of all, they give you warm blankets.

I was worried about getting bored so I brought some busy work with me to occupy my time. Well, that was a joke! As soon as they gave me medication for nausea and started the Chemo, I was out. Put me right to sleep. I have no idea what happened the rest of the day, but sometime they put me in a wheelchair and had Ronny bring me home. It is interesting being on this side of medicine. They gave me enough paper instructions to fill a 2" binder. I signed something that said I understood my discharge instructions but I have no idea what they said. Now I ask you...... it seems to me that doing all this "teaching" and reading BEFORE the actual infusion would be a much smarter thing. I can't remember squat anyway, add some drugs and it is a given I won't remember. Obviously everyone is worried about global warming and the cost of healthcare. My next suggestion.... copy this on a CD and let people take that home. THEY MOST LIKELY will not read the Encyclopedia Britanica anytime soon but even if one fell asleep, there would be a chance of some subliminal retention.

Anyway, long story short I went home feeling wonderful. My parents, both my kids, my husband and my sweet precious Addie were there with open arms. Felt great, ate a wonderful steak my husband grilled, salad and a whole bunch of other food I probably should not have. No, not going to "should" on myself. I ate it because I wanted to be normal, like everyone else and also because it was darn good. After dinner, we all went for a walk with the dogs, Addie just loves to walk Stuart Little and he is a pretty good sport most of the time, lol. Sat around, then went to bed. To say that "all hell broke loose" at about 4:30 am seems a little mild. Anyway, I had my first session of "worship" at the porcelain God whilst praying, oh God, oh god, oh god! Now I have worshipped at this alter before, mostly in much younger days, but never like this. It was a 3 day revival. The locations changed from my bathroom, to my bed hugging a trash can to the hospital. They admitted me gave me wonderful IV anti nausea medication and kept me for 3 nights. By the time I was discharged I was eating a regular diet, so I thought no problem.

Got home, got settled in then ate dinner with Ronny and my parents. Big, mistake, big, big mistake. Now I am a reasonably intelligent woman and when I read this myself my first thoughts were "what were you thinking??????". I don't even have the excuse of never being exposed to medicine. It has literally been my livelihood for the last 35 years. I would never advise any of my patients to do this, it is stupid. However, I have read some of the Encyclopedia Britanica and there is a documented condition called "Chemo Brain". Something about it causing memory loss. I tell you what, I grabbed hold of that and I plan on using it a lot. Get used to the term. I have never had a legitimate excuse before and I intend to take full advantage!

Well needless to say, I didn't make it through the night, went back to the Infusion center for medication and fluids. Again, hooked me up and I fell asleep immediately. Unfortunately, that was during my conversation with the dietician. Again I ponder.....I sat in the lobby with my trusty trash can for over and hour to get admitted. Believe me I was awake that whole time. Perhaps that would have been a better instructional time. Anyway, Ronny spoke with her and came to pick me up loaded for bear. I was low on protein and various assundry other things and they decided a Protein drink would be good for me. I am not sure but I seriously doubt they could make these things taste any worse. Putting them in cute containers with built in straws like a kids juice box does not fool anyone. I swear I may write my own set of nausea and vomiting instructions for healthcare professionals.

Now for a happy ending to Chemo 1. Although possibly contributory, my stupid meal choices were probably not the main reason for my reactions. The first day after my first treatment, the palpable node in my neck had decreased in size from 5 cm to 1 cm. My oncologist put it wonderfully. Mass tumor cell kill! I just love that sentence.... The body has to rid itself of all those dead tumor cells. This has given a new twist to my services at the toilet/trash can. I can now pray Oh Thank You God, Oh Thank You God! All of you are responsible for this by praying for me everyday. Words cannot express my gratitude.

Have my next Chemo party scheduled for next Thursday. They are going to admit me this time and keep me overnight even though they think I might not have as bad a response. I would willingly go through this if it means "mass tumor kill" again!

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